. Fourth blog of 6
around 11 p.m. PDT,
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014.
(Please reload for any changes.)

Gonna tell You a story
About My Personal Voyage
Hop Aboard
It's a 45-minute Free Write
But this story about "my voyage" is not really about me. It's about the voyage. And we both have that, You and I.
I'm a slob. I'm not an ape --not exactly-- but as Darwin might say, there are similarities in the way my body is put together. You are similar too, by the way. No insult intended.
Every human being in history and pre-history has this great truth about them -- we're not simple machines but complex blobs of contradictory interests and attentional confusion. We live a fairly short life and then we pass from the world. So let's see how this may be turned in our favor, okay?

This was a nice spot for me when I was 17 years old.
I sat on a rock and listened to the river in March and April when the water was making many ripple sounds. Underwater, there was a rock on the bottom which caused those larger wrinkles in the water.
There's a scene toward the end of Hermann Hesse's book, Siddhartha. Sitting by the river, Siddhartha is daydreaming. Everyone he has ever known, he sees flowing past on the river, and everyone he doesn't know too, and then he too flows by. This meant a lot to me at the time. I was feeling deep feelings about life and thinking long thoughts as, sometimes, youths may do.
A couple of years later, I lay on the ground for a couple of hours watching the stars on my 19th birthday. As Emily Bronte writes in her poem, "Stars" ...
"Thought followed thought, star followed star, Through boundless regions, on" .
The river flowed... And the stars flowed overhead, so we lay beneath them.
You've had some kind of deep experiences like these or something else. That's all this is for ...to find that common ground we have -- to set the stage for the rest of this blog.
Have You put together Your personal Pod yet?
Each of us, in our bodies, is a time capsule. And we bring along some external artifacts too. Are we bringing what we really care about? That's what "making a home in time and space" is for.
My own personal Pod
One's lifetime serves many other persons -- and their purposes. Will we ever have space and time for a good reverie about it? We can make a "Pod" or "foot" in another world -- a world we're thinking about and designing. It should enable you to experience a buffer from the fast-paced, trivia-laden world... and it should let a person -- such as you -- embark on voyages of creative reverie and refreshment - probably including your form of prayer too, but that's your choice -- to achieve a height of living which you may dimly remember was possible in your youthful reveries... and You can make better plans and decisions going forward after catching a break from the world's distractions!
Our personal Pods can fit in a tent or teepee or closet or shed or office... and it can be equipped with tools and comforts of your choice. Otherworldly ones, perhaps. Music?
Well, the biological world of Earth also needs a break. We can help design a gentler footprint for humanity upon the ecosystems which need their time of regeneration also.
And while there is no implied endorsement by the Ecobuilding Guild of anything on the songofscience.com website... I do endorse the worthiness of the Ecobuilding 2015 Conference. .
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